Fireclay Tile

901 Brannan St
San Francisco, CA 94103

About Fireclay Tile

Fireclay Tile is the leading ceramic tile company using recycled materials and sustainable manufacturing practices. We make the highest quality, most durable and aesthetic hand-made ceramic materials using “old world” methods that are unique, affordable, and “green.” We are based in San Jose, CA and the majority of our products are manufactured in the United States. We aim to be a triple-bottom line company and ensure we take the environment and our employees into account in every decision we make.

Fireclay Tile manufactures these decorative tiles and architectural details, along with a full line of field and trim tiles. Tiles are hand-molded from extruded clays using recycled materials, unprocessed stoneware clays, and minerals, giving our products a truly natural look with lifelong durability. For the greatest strength and consistency, we fire our tiles at over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit without deformation (some color variation may occur). Glazes are mixed in-house and never contain any lead material. We recycle our kiln heat, water, and all manufacturing waste that is then re-used in other parts of our business.

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