Shop! Environments Association

4651 Sheridan Street, Suite #470
Hollywood, FL 33021

About Shop! Environments Association

Shop! is the global trade association dedicated to enhancing retail environments and experiences. Shop! represents more than 1,500 member companies worldwide from 30 countries. The association brings value to the global retail marketplace through our industry leadership, research programs, industry certification, education and networking events. Shop! produces the award-winning magazine, Retail Environments, offering business-focused content to retailers, brands, designers and suppliers throughout the industry. Insights from our publications and programs help position members as experts on the shopper experience.

Competitors of Shop! Environments Association

We are the retail industry's creative professionals founded in 1961 to be a collaborative community where ideas, knowledge and passion would be shared at a local level and enable our members to fulfill the fast-paced planning and design needs of retail. Today, our membership includes architects,... Read More

The Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (FGIA) is dedicated to improving home and building performance through better glass, window, door and skylight technology and standards. The members of the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) and the Insulating Glass... Read More
