Our engineers take design concepts and
develop them for scalability, flexibility, and maximum cost-effectiveness.
With a focus on continuous concept improvement, this is a very left-brained group that lives on precision and detail.
In addition to the attention they give to materials, assembly methods, end-user ergonomics, and environmental impact, they perform whole cost analysis and holistic Value Engineering. Their approach considers the implications of retail design on freight, packing, ease of installation as well as on long-term maintenance and lifecycle.
Key Client Benefits
Non-Bias (agnostic) Engineering
Solid experience in all the major materials and processes in the industry
Thorough understanding of materials, usage, and costs
Holistic Value Engineering
Integration of Engineering with creative work
Analysis of usage scenarios and conditions
Product Life Evaluation
End-function, durability, shipping needs, and assembly
Thorough understanding of ADA requirements and other codes
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