Delta Lock, LLC

366 Central Avenue
Bohemia, NY 11716

About Delta Lock, LLC

Our approach is to help you find the lock with appropriate security level you need faster by application type, instead of sorting through product pages only. When sourcing locks for retail showcases & fixtures, school or hospital cabinetry, your applications will be either doors, drawers, or sliding doors.

We have assigned security ratings to each of our 6 standard product lines for your convenience. The security rating is scaled from 1 to 10 with a 10 being the highest and is a compilation of the following factors: 1) Lock Materials and Construction, 2) Key Control (the ease or difficulty in getting keys copied), 3) Pick Resistance (the ability to resist opening the lock without a key), and 4) Longevity (the number of opening and closing cycles the key and lock can be used before wearing out). Please contact the factory for assistance in determining the right lock to meet your end user security specifications.

We also have more than our standard product offering if you do not find what you are looking to source. We have many special applications plus sourcing services for a variety of special purpose locks such as micro size camlocks, micro size plungers, and switch locks. Delta maintains an extensive supply chain to source hard to find locks and keys, especially locks and keys installed in fixtures built outside the United States with no U.S. based distributors.

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Products by Delta Lock, LLC

By Delta Lock, LLC

High Security Competitively priced US standard inch dimension Camlocks, Deadbolts, Ganglocks, Latchbolts, Sliding Door Plungers and Glass Plungers featuring a highly pick resistant core with Restricted Keys; keys cannot be duplicated as Control series cut keys are only available through our... Read more »

By Delta Lock, LLC

7 Pin Small Format IC (SFIC) cores (equivalent in form, fit and function to Best Access), Showcase & Cabinet Locks, Padlocks and Rim & Mortise Cylinders. Read more »

By Delta Lock, LLC

Economy prices, millimeter dimension Camlocks, Deadbolts, Sliding Door Plungers, Glass Mount & Furniture Locks feature a Key Removable Core for easy core installation and removal. Our Red Control (“core changing” key) inserts and a 90 degree turn pulls the existing core. 400 different key... Read more »

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