Flexible Foams

Available from General Plastics Manufacturing Co.
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General Plastics Manufacturing Company offers unique open-celled flexible polyurethane foams with engineered energy absorption properties. These foams allow users to design systems delivering good efficiency while absorbing energy at a consistent, controlled rate. LAST-A-FOAM® flexible and semi-flexible foams can be used in series or parallel to relieve static stress on flexible shock attenuation material, or to break up resonance or change shock pulse frequencies. Elevated temperatures have little effect on the performance of any of the LAST-A-FOAM® high density flexible foams with no long term effects up to 160°F and an apprimate 10% reduction of firmness at the higher temperature. Reduced temperatures also has no long term effects, however, the foam can become significantly firmer at subzero temperatures. With the exception of intense UV radiation, LAST-A-FOAM® high-density foams are long lasting and relatively unharmed by environmental factors.

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