White Papers for Store Design and Visual Merchandising

  • 2024 Fracture Lookbook

    The Fracture lookbook offers a curated collection of case studies and insights showcasing the transformative power of fracture glass prints in commercial projects. Each case study provides a detailed examination of how fracture prints have been integrated into various commercial settings, from...
  • Westfield’s immersive branding revitalizes culture

    Bridging the brand’s storied legacy with future work to create a powerful new expression of the mission and vision at the home office and beyond
  • Interview with Ken Kniffen of Bashas’ Supermarkets

    WonderBar Merchandiser works wonders at Bashas Bashas’, the Arizona-based chain of more than 150 supermarkets, has served customers for more than 70 years, but while tradition is important, so is innovation when it can lead to increased efficiency and better customer service. So Bashas’ has...
  • Elemental LED inc.- Diode LED Catalog

    We are America's largest provider of low-voltage linear lighting solutions. Diode LED products are preferred by lighting designers, architects, product specifiers, electricians, and general contractors and are carried by over 3,000 lighting showrooms and electrical distributors throughout the...
  • How to Hang a Sign Made with a Built-in Rod Pocket

    We regularly receive calls asking us how best to hang a sign made with a built-in rod pocket. Rod pockets, also called pole-pockets or pole sleeves, are sewn into the top and sometimes the bottom edges of vinyl and fabric signs and banners. Rod pockets hide the hanging mechanism (the rod) for a...
  • Top Retail Trends To Expect In 2023

    As e-commerce continues to ramp up, “experiential,” “omnichannel,” and “phygital” are becoming brick-and-mortar retailers' favorite words—and for good reason. In-person shopping needs to step up its game to keep thriving in an increasingly digital world. In “The Top Retail Trends to Expect in...
  • Color Merchandising Audit

    Innovative Marketing Solutions is excited to share our 2022 Color Merchandising Audit! For more information, visit: www.innovativemarketing.com
  • 2023 Product Catalog

    The newest product catalog includes state of the art lighting innovations for your store design, office space or hospitality environment. Our products include LED lighting, power supplies, smart control systems, modular structures and specialty lighting and accessories. We customize products to...
  • 5D BIM - Cost Estimation & Quantity Take-Offs Process

    Working‌ ‌with‌ ‌BIM‌ ‌has‌ ‌essentially‌ ‌eased‌ ‌the‌ ‌process‌ ‌and‌ ‌achieved‌ ‌more‌ ‌accurate‌ ‌outcomes.‌ ‌When‌ ‌additional‌ ‌dimensions‌ ‌of‌ ‌time‌ ‌and‌ ‌cost‌ ‌are‌ ‌added‌ ‌to‌ ‌3D‌ ‌BIM‌ ‌coordinated‌ ‌models‌ ‌then‌ ‌it’s‌ ‌called‌ ‌4D‌ ‌and‌ ‌5D‌ ‌BIM‌ ‌modeling.‌ ‌5D‌ ‌BIM‌...
  • Recycled Acrylic: A bright idea for sustainable retail

    Acrylic is a commonly used plastic resin – seen in everything from luxury retail displays to artwork, architectural elements and more. For designers, architects and engineers, acrylic is a popular choice due to its aesthetics, durability, versatile characteristics and affordable cost. Like any...
  • Covid-19 Service Solutions

    Merchco is currently assisting customers nationwide with their Covid-19 social distancing implementation needs. Installation of sneeze guards, queuing systems, partitions, repositioning of millwork and gondola shelving, widening aisle spacing and installation of graphics/decals may all be part...
  • Points WELL Taken

    Awareness of how the environment and food affect our health is becoming increasingly more important. What is the quality of the air we breathe? How does the built environment impact productivity and quality of life? What should you eat and not eat? The WELL building standard blends design...
  • Case Study: Innovative Church Uses Ceiling Panels to Create a Wall of Light

    The stage design team at Blue Ridge Community Church created a versatile luminous wall using translucent ceiling panels that were illuminated from the rear. The top of each section was tapered to suggest the shape of cathedral arches. The wall, in the main sanctuary, was 18 feet tall at the...
  • Guidance for Disinfection of ATI Door Skins

    The EPA published a list of disinfectants that meet its criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. OMNOVA* has tested disinfectants that are approved for use against SARS-CoV-2 on its Door Skin. Those approved for use against SARS-CoV-2 are in blue,...
  • Advantages of Using Modular Acoustic in Corporate Environments

    Learn more about the benefits of using 5mm modular acoustic flooring in corporate applications.

  • The Advantages of Digital Menu Boards

    The benefits of digital menu boards go beyond the aesthetics of effective product presentation. In fact, as more and more restaurants are replacing printed posters and menus with digital boards, benefits such as operational efficiency and an increase in revenue are being realized. Though...
  • Display Component Parts

    Johnson Bros Metal Forming makes custom roll formed component parts for many industries including the Display Industry.
  • Weigh the costs of going direct vs. hiring a U.S.-based supplier

    On the surface, producing a fixture program directly with an overseas manufacturer promises major cost-savings potential. But is it worth the risk? Beneath the surface, hidden costs and pitfalls can quickly reverse cost savings. This white paper delineates nine hidden costs associated with going...